Friday, August 6, 2010


This website has some high calorie recipe ideas for kids. It's meant for kids with CF. James took the sweat test and passed so no CF but we can still use the calories!

Fun foods: This week we've had a turtle shaped quesadilla, butterfly pastas with leaf shaped cheese, a bear face sandwich, cucumber and pretzel tree, and pumpkin shaped sandwich with pumpkin puzzle cheese and watermelon. And James has eaten his lunch every day with no complaints. EVERYDAY. Looks like i'll be continuing on with the fun lunch stuff. Good thing a Party City just opened in the shopping center up the road! (and I'll post pictures shortly.)

Kaylee lost 2oz at her last weigh in, but grew 1/4 of an inch. And she graduated from Physical Therapy!!! Yeah!! We might start adding Duocal to her diet. I think I can be sneakier than when we tried it with James..... We shall see.

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