Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The endocrinologist is our new favorite person. She's not convinced there's really anything wrong with Kaylee other than her size and she'd much prefer to take a wait and see approach rather than an aggressive testing one. K had a few more tests today (only 2 tubes) just to get a few things pinned down. She sees the Endo in 6 months (unless these results come back really wacky) just to check how she's doing. She said we have her whole life (until she's done growing really) to straighten this out and correct if need be, but that it really doesn't look like theres a real problem. Whew. Just praying nothing comes up strange and it's smooth sailing from here. I could cry! Oh wait I did (when i was alone)

So Kaylee's up to 15lbs 12 oz and 28 1/4 inches (the typical weight of a 5 month old, and height around 7 months) but it's growth (Steady growth at that) and we'll take it! She's still much smaller than even James was, but mommy knows how to sew a stitch in her pants to make them fit so it's ok. And she's starting to take steps!

We've been snacking on cereal alot lately. Not the highest thing for calorie count, but not terrible for us. It's almost summer and we'll eat alot of fruit, and go through alot of whipped cream! Another favorite is chocolate filled crescent rolls. Yum! And calo-rific!!! It's simple. Roll out the tube of crescent rolls, spread some melted butter on them, put in some chocolate chips and roll into crescents. Bake according to directions (add a minute or so until brown) and drizzle top with melted chocolate. I've been thinking of adding some fruits to this too and sometimes we add nuts or almonds. Ok now i'm drooling.

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