Saturday, May 22, 2010

Feeling like home

We moved last week. Just into a bigger apartment. It's familiar, yet totally different.

Still unpacking though. It's feeling more and more like home as we go.
Kaylee cut a tooth on moving day and then got a nasty diaper rash, yet still managed a 5 oz gain in the last 2 weeks! (she also grew in length and her head grew!!!)

Our favorite snacks this week: corn puffs (not very high calorie) and lucky charms.

Dinner tonight: Beef soup (got to get some veggies in the kids - the beef is a bonus too although neither will eat pieces of the beef they still get some in the broth!) We'll up the calories with butter or oil and add noodles and barley.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


My skinnies have to eat often. About every 2 hours. So with 2 kids, a cat, fish, myself and husband it seems I'm always feeding somebody! We're now running on a decent schedule though so I don't have to feel like a short order cook too much.
We get up at 7 and have breakfast at 7:30 - 8:00 (an example meal: mini pancakes with butter and some cereal)
Around 10 or 10:30 a snack. (Ritz bits or nilla cookies and fruit - i'm going to try the cream cheese and nilla cookies soon!)
Lunch is at 11:30 or 12 (grilled cheese, veggie sticks, fruit cup w/whipped cream)
A snack for J around 2:30 or 3 (no later or dinner could be ruined) Sometimes K wakes up from her nap early enough, some days she just starts on her dinner early. I try to feed her what we're having, but if she's hungry I'll make her a toddler meal (like cheese ravioli with butter on top) and also feed her some of our dinner when we sit down.
Dinner 5:30 or 6ish.
Before bed snack at 7 (yogurt cup or pudding are the current favorites. It used to be shakes)
K always has her toddler milk with meals and snacks. J gets 4-6oz of juice a day and then water or vitamin d milk (sometimes with carnation or hersheys syrup)

I've been told it's ok to limit meal times. Snacks are 15 minutes, meals 30-40 minutes - we are trying to get better at enforcing this as J seems to take FOREVER to eat (as in 1/2 of a sandwich took him 45 minutes the other day) I just have to let go of the idea of them "starving" if they don't eat now. (I should see my own schedule! They eat frequently enough!) And also with J snacks aren't given unless he's eaten at least a good portion of the previous meal and never too close to the next meal. We figure he's old enough to start getting the concept and should develop some more "normal" eating patterns (this is hard with K still eating on a toddler's schedule though). Plus he's starting to want just snacks not meals - though he has done GREAT the last few days!
We're not on a strict schedule by any means - some days no morning snack is given, once in awhile it's late when we have dinner so no before bed snack. It just all depends on the day and every one's appetite.

We also always try to eat as a family. Well it's always me sitting down with the kids - G's schedule means he misses breakfast and lunch or dinner depending if he's days or nights. Yes, my meals are often cold but I'm getting used to it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Little overwhelmed

All these doctors and therapies and things. Oh. Some days I'm feeling so overwhelmed. SO much to keep straight, so much to worry about/try not to worry about. And we still don't have any answers - not that we were looking. We thought our kids were just small, now the doctors have us worrying and re thinking and thinking "what if we're wrong and there is a problem we've missed?"
James is jealous. Kaylee always has appointments and stuff - and everyone's so good at trying to include him and stuff, but it's plain as day he's a green monster. Kaylee can't make a peep without him shouting to draw attention to himself. But K needs the attention - she needs PT so she can strengthen her legs and walk. We try so hard to give J special attention or things to do during it, but it doesn't seem to be helping. And Mommy needs some quiet time and space! But when I carve out a bit of quiet time that's when I start thinking and worrying!
I try to keep my own jealousy at bay as well. I'm jealous of the parents of "normal" kids who have only one doctor (Not a Pediatrician AND a developmental specialist, a nutritionist/dietitian, a Neurogenetics doctor, and an endocrinologist as well as a physical therapist, and occupational therapist.) Of parents of normal kids who fit into the smallest size swim diapers before they're 1 1/2. Of parents that have never been to Riley Hospital for Children, parents who haven't had to hear their baby scream while having blood drawn.
I'm hanging in here on a skinny little string. Trying to keep my wits about me and hold my head up. Trusting it will all be ok. I just need to be allowed to have my off days here and there.

With that - one of K's favorite meals: Avocado! (it's green!) she loves it with cheese, chicken and tortilla pieces.

Side Note: Kaylee "graduated" from OT this week!

Monday, May 3, 2010

For the love of cheese

Cheese. It's K's go to food. She LOVES it - she even says it!
So we eat Grilled cheese sandwiches (butter both sides of the bread) J likes to dip his in mustard or ranch or ketchup.
We have many shapes of snack cheeses (mostly colby jack, but also mild cheddar and mozzarella)
Cheese and potato cubes
Mac & Cheese with extra butter (and heavy cream or half and half) and toss in some cooked veggies. (yep I make the blue boxed stuff and the microwave stuff. I am NOT a short order cook and this makes me feel like I'm not.)
We're going to buy some ritz bits this week and see how those are.
Cheese melted over veggies would be good - but K's not quite there yet. J will eat cheese and pasta and veggies.