Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lesson 1 - Dip!

Never let them eat things plain. Always dip, cover and smother.
Bread gets buttered (sometimes on both sides if I can get away with it)
Fruit gets dipped in cream cheese, cool whip, yogurt
Veggies are good in ranch, veggie dip, cheese.
Pretzels go good in dip and so do graham crackers (Pudding makes an awesome dip! Go an extra step and top it with whipped cream first.)
Soup gets butter or cream depending on the soup and the kid.
Pasta gets sauce or butter. Sometimes cheese.
Glass of milk? Just add carnation instant breakfast (for older babies)
Jello and coolwhip are great.
Fries are awesome with ranch (and cheese too) But if that's not your style ketchup adds calories too.
Potatoes = butter, sour cream & bacon bits, Cheese if you're feeling like some dairy. If you want mashed potatoes make it with butter and heavy cream or half and half!
Avocados are good but only 1 of my kids likes them
Eggs are wonderful with heavy cream and cheese.

More ideas soon. We're busy here setting up PT and OT appointments - and enjoying some nice weather for the time being!

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