Tuesday, August 9, 2011


In June Kaylee saw the pediatric endocrinologist. She weighed 21lbs (I can't recall her height, but it was up from her last visit) and had a bone scan (x-ray of her hand and wrist) that gave her a projected adult height of 5'4". (Taller than mommy!) So, as long as she doesn't stall out or fall out of her growth curve, we're freed from the endocrinologist!
The dietitian gave me the mixture amounts to switch her over to milk and carnation. Good bye toddler formula $$. So far I've been able to get her switched to half milk half formula and she's dropped a 6 ounce cup a day! We were seeing improvement in her solid intake - until the last two days when she's been sick. Here's hoping she bounces back quickly and continues to improve on those solids.
As for James. He's still mr picky. But he has tried a few new things. He's finally discovered that McDonald's hamburgers are not poison. I'm happy for that so he gets more variety. He also tried beef stew. He won't eat the beef but he likes the barley and vegetables.

We take baby steps in this house. They eventually lead some where!