Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stationery card
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011


In June Kaylee saw the pediatric endocrinologist. She weighed 21lbs (I can't recall her height, but it was up from her last visit) and had a bone scan (x-ray of her hand and wrist) that gave her a projected adult height of 5'4". (Taller than mommy!) So, as long as she doesn't stall out or fall out of her growth curve, we're freed from the endocrinologist!
The dietitian gave me the mixture amounts to switch her over to milk and carnation. Good bye toddler formula $$. So far I've been able to get her switched to half milk half formula and she's dropped a 6 ounce cup a day! We were seeing improvement in her solid intake - until the last two days when she's been sick. Here's hoping she bounces back quickly and continues to improve on those solids.
As for James. He's still mr picky. But he has tried a few new things. He's finally discovered that McDonald's hamburgers are not poison. I'm happy for that so he gets more variety. He also tried beef stew. He won't eat the beef but he likes the barley and vegetables.

We take baby steps in this house. They eventually lead some where!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

So much for that

Croup, double ear infections, pink eye, allergies. (this was the kids) Bronchitis, sinus infection, pulled rib muscle, strep (this was me) We're finally feeling better though thank goodness!
Last time K was weighed she was at 20lbs 6oz (she had clothes on though).

We seem to be stuck in a rut: Mini muffins for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch with fruit...
The only dinners that please everyone are tacos, pizza and breakfast for dinner. So that means I usually end up making at least 2 dinners every night. I found dolphin shaped chicken nuggets and James LOVES them! He eats them face to fin (yes he's that kid who only eats around the edges of a chicken nugget because he doesn't like the "inside")

The kids both love pickles and olives. How do you make that high calorie?!

We bought a new blender so we can have shakes again! The first one we had was strawberries, blueberries, vanilla ice cream and chocolate fudge. It was pretty tasty though I think the fudge cancels out the healthiness of the berries. Oh well.

I made pancakes for dinner last night and gave James a whipped cream face with a strawberry nose and he asked for blueberries for the center of the eyes. He ate it all up! That just let me know that he does appreciate the fun meals and it does trick him into eating more and faster (the kid could take an hour and a half to eat half a sandwich!) So now that summer is on it's way I'm planning on re-visiting our fun meals and trying to boost the calories in them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


The holidays snuck up on me!
K had her appt with the endo. She's up to about 19lbs! That's great improvement! And she's on the growth chart for length now! (10% I think) The Endo said that we'll do a recheck in 6 months and if she's had as good or better growth we can be discharged! (possibly do a bone scan to estimate her height first. We will discuss that when it comes)
James is almost 30lbs finally. He weighed in at 29 1/2 when he and Kaylee got croup just before Christmas. He's loving hockey, and preschool. His new favorite lunch: Buttered bread with a slice of cheese and dill relish. Not so appealing to me but he LOVES it.
K still drinks her toddler formula. Which is ok but she doesn't let me brush her teeth very well and with that stuff she really needs it! I already need to call and get her teeth cleaned again. I want to switch her to a straw cup so badly but I don't want her to stop drinking her "milk" in protest. It's a catch 22. SHe is getting much better at chewing and eating though. The other day she used a spoon to eat her soup and ate the whole bowl! And she loves cereal bars (Big bird bars she calls them because the brand we bought has big bird!)

Tomorrow James turns 5. I can't believe it! I made him a hockey cake on Sunday when my parents visited. And in October he asked me out of no where for hockey pucks as his birthday treat for school. Yeah sure son. But I'm proud to say I did it - it took some failures but I did it! (we have oreos dipped in Hershey's chocolate - peanut free of course as per school rules - Finger jello hockey pucks and hockey puck krispie treats which are just round chocolate rice krispie treats)
On the high calorie front I really don't have any new tricks. Advice for the picky though: Be persistent. It takes forever and a day but it does start to pay off. I've had some luck getting J to try new things by letting him create his own "recipe."